Convert a LaTeX Beamer presentation to Quarto#

In this use case we start from an already existing set of slides made with LaTeX package Beamer. The course generated in this use case is available at

This use case explains the process followed to generate the Quarto course material. In order to replicate the steps involved you can download the presentation source files from this link.

To generate the slides first unzip the downloaded file and run pdflatex and biber as follows

unzip -X
pdflatex main.tex
biber main
pdflatex main.tex

The rest of this section uses the content of the zip file to extend the Quarto project started in the use case Create a Quarto course from scratch.

Pandoc: from LaTeX to markdown#

Depending on the size of the LaTeX project it may be possible to manually copy the main content and edit it in such a form that is markdown compliant. This may be a good solution as at the end there is no perfect automation to convert LaTeX to markdown. However, there are a few alternatives that will do part of the job automatically. In particular, pandoc is a tool to convert text documents into a multitude of other formats (see Pandoc).
The command to convert a LaTeX file to markdown is the following.

pandoc main.tex -s -o

However, this will result in a markdown with only the titles of the sections and empty content. This is because the LaTeX source code of this example contains several definitions and new commands that can not be converted by pandoc without manual modifications.

The first thing that needed to be changed was to define the command brightFrame which was previously defined in a separate file that contained lots of other definitions and commands. Remove the line 44 that loads the external file frame-commands.tex.

44: \input{latex/frame-commands}

And define the new command brigthFrame in the main.tex file


Only with this change the resulting markdown file will contain most of the original information including tables, some figures, equations, and references. The resulting markdown file needs to be renamed to include the Quarto extension .qmd, and it can be copied to a Quarto project together with the figures folder, bibliography and other documents. The next image shows the header of the resulting markdown content rendered into html.

Website with right navigation bar and central content

Fig. 5 Begining of the markdown document converted by Pandoc and rendered by Quarto.#

Some of the figures that are originally in the pdf format are rendered inside of a pdf reader interface. This will need to be fixed manually by converting the pdfs into images.

A figure inside a pdf environment

Fig. 6 PDF figures in the markdown file rendered by Quarto.#

Equations in LaTeX are kept in their original form in the generated markdown files as pandoc will convert the equations to MathJax which is a JavaScript display engine for mathematics.

Equations and text with equations

Fig. 7 Equations generated by Quarto from the markdown file.#

Another problem is that the original LaTeX file did not indicate the extension of some figures that were originally PDFs. With the absence of the file extension Quarto assumes that the figures are png files and adds that extension which is not correct. An option would be to manually modify all the figures in the Quarto markdown file clearly specifying the extension. However, in this case it is better to convert all the pdf figures to png, as those will be rendered better in the website.

Before converting the pdf files to png it will be necessary to crop all the pdf files as some of them have invisible parts that will show incorrectly in the png version. Running the following shell script will crop all the pdf files in the current folder.


# it depends on texlive-extra-utils
# Install:
# sudo apt-get install texlive-extra-utils

for f in ./*.pdf
    echo "Cropping file $f"
    pdfcrop "${f}" "${f}"

Then we can proceed to convert all the pdf files. Here is a shell script to convert a set of pdf files to png


# depends on gs
# sudo apt-get install gs

for in_file in "$@"
    echo "Converting file ${in_file} to ${out_file}"
    gs -sDEVICE=pngalpha -o ${out_file} -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r1200 ${in_file}

Only with this change all the figures that did not specify the extension will be loaded. It is also convenient to change the remaining extensions .pdf to .png now that we have the bitmap version of all figures.

Figure sizes and positions#

Figures in the original set of slides were positioned and adjusted to fit the spacing provided by LaTeX Beamer. The change of spacing in the Quarto output makes it difficult to fit the figures in an appealing manner. For that reason, we had to manually adjust the automated generated markdown code. The original LaTeX code

Source: \textcite{flach2016roc}

which considered the height of the slides to position them correctly as follows

The code was automatically converted to markdown keeping the original height proportions

Source: @flach2016roc

However, the spacing in the Quarto webpage didn’t have the same vertical dimensions, which made the figures extend to a large portion of the webpage. We manually changed the code by partitioning the body space into columns as follows

:::: {.columns .v-center-container}

::: {.column width="40%"}


::: {.column width="10%"}
::: {.column width="47%"}

Source: @flach2016roc


which resulted in the following output

Comments and line breaks#

It turned out that some of the comments in LaTeX (lines that start with the % symbol) were not ignored during the conversion to markdown. The fourth line of the following example should be removed from the generated markdown file.

confidence $c$, is equal to $c$:  
P(Y=i \: | \: \ph_i(\vx)=c)=c\qquad\text{where }\ i=\argmax_j \ph_j(\vx).
%P\Big(Y=\argmax\big(\vph(X)\big) \: \Big| \: \max\big(\vph(X)\big)=c\Big)=c.

However it resulted in the following text, which kept the % symbol and joined the \end{align*} into the previous line.

confidence $c$, is equal to $c$: $$\begin{aligned}
P(Y=i \: | \: \hat{p}_i(\mathbf{x})=c)=c\qquad\text{where }\ i=\argmax_j \hat{p}_j(\mathbf{x}).
%P\Big(Y=\argmax\big(\vph(X)\big) \: \Big| \: \max\big(\vph(X)\big)=c\Big)=c.\end{aligned}$$

Errors like this need to be manually edited which depending on the number of occurrences can be time-consuming.

confidence $c$, is equal to $c$: $$\begin{aligned}
P(Y=i \: | \: \hat{p}_i(\mathbf{x})=c)=c\qquad\text{where }\ i=\argmax_j \hat{p}_j(\mathbf{x}).

Generating figures from source code#

The original slides required the figures to be generated in advance and imported from LaTeX. However, given that we had the Python code to generate the figures it is better to embed the code, which can be modified in the markdown file if we want to change the example. For example, the following markdown code loaded a figure


which was originally generated with the following Python code. By adding the code to the markdown it is possible to generate the same figure during compilation both in the Quarto example, and in this same Jupyter Book roadmap.

#| code-fold: true
#| code-summary: "Show the code"

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pycalib.visualisations import plot_reliability_diagram

labels = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1])
scores = np.array([0.1, 0.1 ,0.4, 0.4,0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.9])
bins = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.85, 1.0]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
fig = plot_reliability_diagram(labels, np.vstack([1 - scores, scores]).T,
                               class_names=['not 1', 'rain'], bins=bins,
                               fig=fig, show_gaps=True,

Authors in the header#

Quarto allows the inclusion of metadata in the YAML header section of each markdown file, which can be used to display authors at the top of each page. This makes it very easy to collaborate in one Quarto publication where multiple authors worked in different sections, and clearly indicate their contributions. The following metadata

title: Classifier Calibration
  - name: Peter Flach
    orcid: 0000-0001-6857-5810
      - name: University of Bristol
        city: Bristol
        country: United Kingdom
        postal-code: BS8 1QU
  - name:
      given: Miquel
      family: Perello Nieto
    orcid: 0000-0001-8925-424X
      - name: University of Bristol
        city: Bristol
        country: United Kingdom
        postal-code: BS8 1QU
        equal-contributor: False

# Other configuration ommited
# ...

results in a list of authors with their affiliations, links to their e-mail addresses and ORCID profiles.

Generating Reveal.js slides#

Quarto allows the generation of multiple types of outupt formats from the same markdown file. By adding the following configuration to the header, Quarto will generate reveal.js slides and provide a link to view the content in this format in the right-hand navigation bar.

    css: wahcc_style.css
    logo: "../images/logos/tailor_and_uob.svg"
    output-file: slides-cla-cal.html
    slide-number: true
    width: 100%
    height: 100%
    incremental: true
    smaller: false
    auto-stretch: false
    chalkboard: true
bibliography: references.bib

Thumbnails of multiple reveal.js slides

Fig. 8 Some of the slides created by Quarto in the Reveal.js engine.#

Questions and answers#

There are various ways in which questions and answers can be incorporated in the resulting website. In this particular case we opted to use notes with hidden text that can be inspected when clicking.

Q: What is going to happen when you click this question?

Clicking a dropdown note reveals some hidden text.

It is possible to work on multiple answers by stacking blocks of text together.

Question 1

Is only one of the following answers correct?

Answer: Yes

Correct. Only this answer is correct.

Answer: No

Incorrect. Only the previous answer is correct.

Video recordings#

Peter recorded a video using the facilities of TAILOR partner Universitat Politècnica de València. The recording session took place in front of a green screen, with accompanying slides being placed in the background after recording. Some of the functionalities provided are the automatic detection of slide changes that presents the different slides in the video timeline for easy navigation, and the automatic generation of captions in various languages. For this use case Peter recorded a short video for each subsection of the presentation.

Videos can be embedded into websites with the <iframe> tag, which allows to embed one web page into another. The following HTML code is an example.

<iframe allowfullscreen
style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="Paella Player" scrolling="no"
frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" width="640" height="360">

This shows the first video of the currently explained use-case.

It is a good idea to make short videos (between 5 and 10 minutes) covering a single topic or idea. This provide flexibility to the students to watch the videos during multiple sessions, and allows the reuse of content among different courses if the concepts are concise and general.

Breaking into slides and sections#

The original set of slides had a specific structure that may not be good for a website. Furthermore, the reveal.js slides generated from the resulting markdown will not preserve the exact same divisions, which need to be manually specified in the markdown file. In this use-case some of the slide titles have been converted into sections or subsections manually. A new slide is automatically generated for each header of level 1 (#), including only the title, and headers of level 2 (##) create a new slide with that title and the following content. If a slide has too much information this can be split into other slides with an horizontal rule.


Conditional content#

In certain situations we may want to show different content for different output formats. For example, in the current use case the videos are only shown in the HTML website, but not in other static documents or the revealjs website. Using the .content-visible and .content-hidden directives it is possible to specify parts of the markdown that are rendered only in the specified formats. The following are two self-explanatory examples.

::: {.content-visible when-format="html" unless-format="revealjs"}
This content will be visible in html websites, but not in html revealjs.
::: {.content-hidden when-format="doc"}
This content will not be shown in word documents.

Other changes#

The markdown file required additional modifications to make the website and the reveal.js slides look good. Among the those changes are:

  • Remove empty lines between each element of a list

  • Manually added highlights with `text to highlight`

  • Fix multiple issues with LaTeX and added definitions and packages in the header

  • Adjusted the size of tables, figures and code to better fit the webpage and the slides

MyST client: LaTeX to HTML#

We end this use-case with a short discussion of a way to convert LaTeX Beamer content directly to HTML using the MyST client Python package. However, we didn’t find a method to obtain the intermediate MyST markdown files that are automatically generated, which may have made the process described above with pandoc much easier. A guide on how to do this conversion can be found at This section also provides a quick summary of the guide that results in a good HTML version.

This method requires the installation of the MyST client, which also requires an updated version of node. The installation of the required version of node can be done by creating a virtual environment for the specific version.

pip install nodeenv

You can list the available node version for virtual environments with

nodeenv --list

At the time of writing the required version was 20.11.1 which can be loaded by creating the virtual environment with the specific version and loading it.

nodeenv -n 20.11.1 node_env
source node_env/bin/activate
node -v
# v20.11.1
npm -v
# 10.2.4

One consideration from this example is that the LaTeX environment refsection is not currently supported, and all the environments need to be removed. This can be done by removing the beginning and end of each environment.


The resulting website is in general very well formatted with some minor problems. The following is a capture of the resulting front page with a navigation bar on the left for the different documents and on the right side for the sections of the current document.

Website with left and right navigation bars and central content

Fig. 9 Automatic conversion of LaTeX Beamer file into a website with MyST client.#

The previous figure shows one of the issues with the lists, which in this particular case were not converted to markdown correctly. However, tables, images and equations were correctly rendered in most cases. The table shown in Fig. 10 looks correct, but is missing the definition of colors specified in a separate LaTeX file.

Website with left and right navigation bars and central content

Fig. 10 Simple LaTeX table converted with MyST client to markdown. The defined colors in LaTeX are not rendered correctly.#

Images in different formats (even without clearly indicated extension) are correctly converted into bitmaps and placed in the right clocation as shown in Fig. 11.

Website with left and right navigation bars and central content

Fig. 11 Bitmap and pdf images are correctly converted into bitmaps and placed in the right location.#

While equations are correctly formated even with special definitions of new commands and colors as shown in Fig. 12.

Website with left and right navigation bars and central content

Fig. 12 Most of the equations are correctly displayed, even with colors.#